
Janette Hanrahan looks back on a life full of work, displayed in a new survey exhibition.

Kaye Green and Ange Cooper unpack the work behind ‘Two Views’ at the Salamanca Arts Centre in Hobart.

‘Future Proof’ is new online exhibition showcasing emerging artists at Megalo Print Studio + Gallery in Canberra.

Angela Coombs Matthews discusses her new work at PG Printmaker Gallery in Melbourne.

Marilou Chagnaud explains the underpinning of her new exhibition at Megalo Print Studio + Gallery in Canberra.

Rhonda Nelson discusses a new exhibition with fellow artists Anna Russell and Rebekah Honeyman in Stanmore, NSW.

Owen Hutchison describes the circumstances behind his latest suite of woodcuts.

Bec Westlund visits the latest iteration of the wide-ranging Overwintering Project.

Wendy Black reflects on a long career of art-making, celebrated in a new exhibition.

Elizabeth Banfield recalls a haunting place that helped form her new exhibition ‘lacuna’.