Sydney Printmakers explore multiple themes in a new print exchange on show at the PCA Gallery in Melbourne.

An exploration of collage and all its expansive possibilities underpins the new PCA Gallery exhibition STUCK.

Ally McKay responds to the new exhibition ‘expand, contract, expand again’ by artist-run initiative More Than Reproduction.

Anthea Boesenberg and Therese Kenyon explore the interplay between atmospherics, connectivity and the sensory.

Nicholas Chilvers explores concepts of human experiences in nature for the new group exhibition Biophilia at the PCA Gallery.

In his new exhibition at the PCA Gallery, Jonas Ropponen’s latest works are graced with the presence of sorcerer/alter ego, Smoron.

The December closure of Studio Altenburg ends an era that lasted forty-five years.

Liz Jeneid celebrates the Clifton School of Arts and the exhibition Prelude: Artists’ Books Now.

Rona Green has found that people respond strongly to her animal-human hybrids.

Thomas Middlemost writes about Julie Mia Holmes’ new exhibition ‘A Bird in the Hand’ at Wedge Gallery in Sydney.